PROJECT              GALLERY             ABOUT

YuanZhang is an interdisciplinary visual designer and cross-media narrator (in visual, spatial, interactive, performance and video). A graduate of Tsinghua University and the Royal College of Art, she is also a researcher and project leader at the Tsinghua Institute of Visual Studies, the Institute for Creative New Media Interpretation & Performing Arts(IMPA). Her main research interests include immersive new media arts and spaces, performing and interpretative arts and theatre, and digital expressions of traditional culture and media design for special groups.

Her works include round dance design in the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games, stage installation design for the cultural performance of the G20 National Summit, main visual design for the float of the 2019 World Garden Festival, standard development and。 production of the design of the float for the 70th-anniversary parade of the founding of the country, interior design for the carriages of the Beijing-Zhanggong High-speed Railway, general visual for the graduation fashion show of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, character scene design for films and games (e.g. Tencent Game for peace), the Several book illustrations for Tsinghua University Press, etc.

Her research projects on children with hearing impairment were awarded the TUGICC (The Global Innovation Centre for Children), jointly established by Tsinghua University and UNICEF and a state-funded grant: research on the design of thematic scientific space displays based on scientific visualization. forum - Centre Pompidou, France, the West Museum of Suzhou Museum, the Wanda Taste Museum, and the Academy of Fine Arts exhibition of Tsinghua University. She has received three national academic scholarships, an innovator of Tsinghua University's Global Youth Creativity Programme, an outstanding award in the National Original Illustration Design Competition of the Great Art Age, and the Han Meilin Art Scholarship of Tsinghua University, etc.


其主导的GIS地理数据可视化、关于听障儿童发音、文本数据可视化的项目与论文等获得清华大学和联合国儿童基金会共同建立的全球儿童创新中心(TUGICC)、基于科学可视化的主题科学空间展示设计研究基金、与北京中轴线保护公益基金会等基金支持,并且入选了法国蓬皮杜音乐&声学研究所论坛(The IRCAM forum)、第十五届    浙江省美术作品展、国际艺术&设计与媒体院校联盟学术会议(CUMULUS)、第六届艺术与科学国际作品展暨学术研讨会、阿那亚戏剧节、、清华大学第 36 届挑战杯科展暨三创博览会、中国苏州博物馆西馆、清华大学美术学院的展览等等。多次获得国家学术奖学金、全球青年创意计划创新者、大艺术时代全国原创插画设计大赛优秀奖、清华大学韩美林艺术奖等。
